Titel | Autor | Quelle |
3D models of the bone marrow in health and disease: yesterday, today, and tomorrow | Raic, A. / Naolou, T. / Mohra, A. / Chatterjee, C. / Lee-Thedieck, C. (2018) |
MRS Communications, 2018, https://doi.org/10.1557/mrc.2018.20 |
Insights into the variability of microbial community composition and micropollutant degradation in diverse biological wastewater treatment systems | Wolff, D. / Krah, D. / Dötsch, A. / Ghattas, A.K. / Wick, A. / Ternes, T.A. (2018) |
Water Research, 2018, 143, 313-324 |
Does the antidiabetic drug metformin affect embryo development and the health of brown trout (Salmo trutta f. fario)? | Jacob, S. / Dötsch, A. / Knoll, S. / Köhler, H.-R. / Rogall, E. / Stoll, D. / Tisler, S. / Huhn, C. / Schwartz, T. / Zwiener, C. / Triebskorn, R. (2018) |
Environmental Sciences Europe201830:48, https://doi.org/10.1186/s12302-018-0179-4 |
3D bioprinting – Flow cytometry as analytical strategy for 3D cell structures | Gretzinger, S. / Beckert, N. / Gleadall, A. / Lee-Thedieck, C. / Hubbuch, J. (2018) |
Bioprinting,11, 2018, doi.org/10.1016/j.BPRINT.2018.e00023 |
Automated, quantitative DNA purification and spectrometric analysis from whole blood samples in a compartmented reactor device | Hübner, J. / Arlt, C. / Franzreb, M. (2018) |
React. Chem. Eng., 2019, Advance Article, DOI: 10.1039/C8RE00187A |
A Compartmented Flow Microreactor System for Automated Optimization of Bioprocesses Applying Immobilized Enzymes | Heinzler, R. / Hübner, J. / Fischöder, T. / Elling, L. / Franzreb, M. (2018) |
Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol., 2018, doi.org/10.3389/fbioe.2018.00189 |
The Blood Bag Plasticizer Di-2-Ethylhexylphthalate Causes Red Blood Cells to Form Stomatocytes, Possibly by Inducing Lipid Flip-Flop | Melzak, K. / Uhlig, S. / Kirschhöfer, F. / Brenner-Weiss, G. / Bieback, K (2018) |
Transfus Med Hemother, 2018, doi.org/10.1159/000490502 |
Oxidative polymerization of terthiophene and a substituted thiophene monomer in metal-organic framework thin films | Haldar, R. /Sen, B. / Hurrle, S. / Kitao, T. / Sankhla, R. / Kühl, B. / Welle, A. / Heissler, S. / Brenner-Weiß, G. / Thissen, P. / Uemura, T. / Gliemann, H. / Barner-Kowollik, C. / Wöll, C. (2018) |
European Polymer Journal, 2018, 109, 162-168 |
Enhancing Selectivity and Kinetics in Oxidative Photocyclization by Supramolecular Control | Haldar, R. / Diring, S. / Samanta, P.K. / Muth, M. / Clancy, W. / Mazel, A. / Schlabach, S. / Kirschhöfer, F. / Brenner‐Weiß, G. / Pati, S.K. / Odobel, F. / Wöll, C. (2018) |
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 57, 41, 2018, 13662-13665 |
Photolithographic structuring of soft, extremely foldable and autoclavable hydrophobic barriers in paper | Nargang, T.M. / Dierkes, R. / Bruchmann, J. / Keller, N. / Sachsenheimer, K. / Lee-Thedieck, C. / Kotz, F. / Helmer, D. / Rapp, B.E. (2018) |
Anal. Methods, 2018,10, 4028-4035 |
Integrated Process for the Enzymatic Production of Fatty Acid Sugar Esters Completely Based on Lignocellulosic Substrates | Siebenhaller, S. / Kirchhoff, J. / Kirschhöfer, F. / Brenner-Weiß, G. / Muhle-Goll, C. / Luy, B. / Haitz, F. / Hahn, T. / Zibek, S. / Syldatk, C. / Ochsenreither, K. (2018) |
Front. Chem., 2018, doi.org/10.3389/fchem.2018.00421 |
Human mesenchymal stromal cells inhibit platelet activation and aggregation involving CD73-converted adenosine | Netsch, P. / Elvers-Hornung, S. / Uhlig, S. / Klüter, H. / Huck, V. / Kirschhöfer, F. / Brenner-Weiß, G. / Janetzko, K. / Solz, H. / Wuchter, P. / Bugert, P. / Bieback, K. (2018) |
Stem Cell Research & Therapy, 2018, 9,1, doi.org/10.1186/s13287-018-0936-8 |
Quantification of particulate matter attached to the bulk-biofilm interface and its influence on local mass transfer | Li, C. / Brunner, F. / Wagner, M. / Lackner, S. / Horn, H. (2018) |
Separation and Purification Technology, 197, 2018, 86-94 |
Development and performance of a 3D‐printable poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate hydrogel suitable for enzyme entrapment and long‐term biocatalytic applications | Schmieg, B. / Schimek, A. / Franzreb, M. (2018) |
Engineering in Life Sciences, 2018, 18, 9, 659-667 |
Concentration of Crotonic Acid using Capacitive Deionization Technology | Hack, E. / Hümmer, D. / Franzreb, M. (2018) |
Separation and Purification Technology, online, doi.org/10.1016/j.seppur.2018.08.049 |
Cell Separation in Aqueous Two-Phase Systems - Influence of Polymer Molecular Weight and Tie-Line Length on the Resolution of Five Model Cell Lines | Zimmermann, S. / Gretzinger, S. / Zimmermann, P.K. / Bogsnes, A. / Hansson, M. / Hubbuch, J. (2018) |
Biotechnol J., 2018, 13, 2, doi: 10.1002/biot.201700250 |
Quantification of particulate matter attached to the bulk-biofilm interface and its influence on local mass transfer | Li, C. / Brunner, F. / Wagner, M. / Lackner, S. / Horn, H. (2018) |
Separation and Purification Technology, 197, 31 May 2018, 86-94 |
One-step integrated clarification and purification of a monoclonal antibody using Protein A Mag Sepharose beads and a cGMP-compliant high-gradient magnetic separator | Ebeler, M. / Lind, O. / Norrman, N. / Palmgren, R / Franzreb, M. (2018) |
N Biotechnol, 2018, 42, 48-55, doi: 10.1016/j.nbt.2018.02.007 |
Towards Biofilm Spectroscopy- A Novel Microfluidic Approach for Characterizing Biofilm Subpopulation by Microwave-Based Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy | Richter, C. / Schneider, S. / Rapp, E. B. / Schmidt, S. / Schüßler, M. / Jakoby, R. / Bruchmann, J. / Bischer, M. / Schwartz, T. (2018) |
Frequenz 2018, 72, 3-4, 123-134 |
Zum Vorkommen und zur vorläufigen hygienisch-medizinischen Bewertung von Antibiotika-resistenten Bakterien mit humanmedizinischer Bedeutung in Gewässern, Abwässern, Badegewässern sowie zu möglichen Konsequenzen für die Trinkwasserversorgung | Exner, M. / Schmithausen, R. / Schreiber, C. / Bierbaum, G. / Parcina, M. / Engelhart, S. / Kistemann, T. / Sib, E. / Walger, P. / Schwartz, T. (2018) |
HygMed 2018, 43, 5, D46-D54 |
Live-dead discrimination analysis, qPCR assessment for opportunistic pathogens, and population analysis at ozone wastewater treatment plants | Jäger, T. / Alexander, J. / Kirchen, S. / Dötsch, A. / Wieland, A. / Hiller, C. / Schwartz, T. (2018) |
Environmental Pollution, 2018, 232, 571-579, doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2017.09.089 |
Lipase-Catalyzed Synthesis of Sugar Esters in Honey and Agave Syrup | Siebenhaller, S. / Gentes, J. / Infantes, A. / Muhle-Goll, C. / Kirschhöfer, F. / Brenner-Weiß, G. / Ochsenreither, K. / Syldatk, C. (2018) |
Front Chem., 2018, 12, 6, 24, doi:10.3389/fchem.2018.00024 |
Removal of antibiotics, antibiotic-resistant bacteria and their associated genes by graphene-based TiO2 composite photocatalysts under solar radiation in urban wastewaters | Karaolia, P. / Michael-Kordatou, I. / Hapeshi, E. / Drosou, C. / Bertakis, Y. / Christofilos, D. / Armatas, G. S. / Sygellou, L. / Schwartz, T. / Xekoukoulotakis, N. P. / Fatta-Kassinos, D. (2018) |
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 224, 2018, 810-824 |
Dual-Gated Microparticles for Switchable Antibody Release | Ketterer, B. / Ooi, H.W. / Brekel, D. / Trouillet, V. / Barner, L. / Franzreb, M. / Barner-Kowollik, C. (2018) |
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2018, 10, 1450−1462 |
Magnetic Macroporous Hydrogels as a Novel Approach for Perfused Stem Cell Culture in 3D Scaffolds via Contactless Motion Control | Rödling, L. / Volz, E. M. / Raic, A. / Brändle, K. / Franzreb, M. / Lee-Thedieck, C. (2018) |
Adv. Healthcare Mater., 2018, DOI: 10.1002/adhm.201701403 |
Passivation of Hydrated Cement | Giraudo, N. / Wohlgemuth, J. / Bergdolt, S. / Heinle, M. / Thissen, P (2018) |
Acs Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2018, 6, 1, 727-737 |
Titel | Autor | Quelle |
Hydrophobic Properties of Calcium-Silicate Hydrates Doped with Rare-Earth Elements | Burek, K. / Krause, F. / Schwotzer, M. / Nefedov, A. / Süssmuth, J. / Haubitz, T. / Kumke, M.U. / Thissen, P. (2018) |
ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng, 2018, 6, 11, 14669–14678 |
Oxidative polymerization of terthiophene and a substituted thiophene monomer in metal-organic framework thin films | Haldar, R. /Sen, B. / Hurrle, S. / Kitao, T. / Sankhla, R. / Kühl, B. / Welle, A. / Heissler, S. / Brenner-Weiß, G. / Thissen, P. / Uemura, T. / Gliemann, H. / Barner-Kowollik, C. / Wöll, C. (2018) |
European Polymer Journal, 2018, 109, 162-168 |
Dehydration and dehydroxylation of C-S-H phases synthesized on silicon wafers | Giraudo, N. / Bergdolt, S. / Laye, F. / Krolla, P. / Lahann, J. / Thissen, P. (2018) |
Applied Surface Science, 2018, 433, 589-595 |
Passivation of Hydrated Cement | Giraudo, N. / Wohlgemuth, J. / Bergdolt, S. / Heinle, M. / Thissen, P (2018) |
Acs Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2018, 6, 1, 727-737 |
Titel | Autor | Quelle |
Innovationen und Technologietransfer - Neue Kooperationsformate in der Zusammenarbeit zwischen öffentlicher Forschung und Wirtschaft | Gerdes, A. (2018) |
2018, November 13. XIX. POROTEC Workshop. Workshop über die Charakterisierung von feinteiligen und porösen Festkörpern, Niedernhausen |
Reactive Transport in cement-based materials – experimental and numerical investigations | Lebhardt, A. (2018) |
November 13. XIX.2018 POROTEC Workshop. Workshop über die Charakterisierung von feinteiligen und porösen Festkörpern, Niedernhausen |
Relationships between pore structure and material performance of cement-based materials subjected to chemical attack | Schwotzer, M. (2018) |
November 13. XIX. POROTEC Workshop. Workshop über die Charakterisierung von feinteiligen und porösen Festkörpern, Niedernhausen |
Von Nano zu Makro - Dauerhaftigkeit der technischen Infrastruktur | Schwotzer, M. (2018) |
Oktober 15. EDAX User Meeting, Weiterstadt |
Performance Oriented Functionalisation of Concrete: An Integrated Approach for Prevention in Construction | Gerdes, A.; Schwotzer, M.; Süßmuth, J. (2018) |
ICDCS 2018: sixth international conference on durability of concrete structures, University of Leeds, 661–668, Whittles Publishing Ltd., Dunbeath, Caithness, UK |
Durability of cement-based materials in drinking water storage | Schwotzer, M.; Gerdes, A. (2018) |
ICDCS 2018: 6th International Conference on Durability of Concrete Structures, Leeds, UK, |
Hydration of concrete: The first steps | Thissen, P. / Giraudo, N. / Natzeck, C. / Wöll, C. (2018) |
DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Kondensierte Materie gemeinsam mit der EPS, Fachverband Oberflächenphysik, Berlin, 11.-16.März 2018 |
On the aggressive nature of non-aggressive water – deterioration of cement-based materials in permanent contact with drinking water | Schwotzer, M. / Gerdes, A. (2018) |
H2OSummit, 1st International Water Congress 2018, Rovinj, Croatia, 18.-21.04.2018 |
Paving the path to a sustainable life cycle management of drinking water reservoirs by means of performance oriented condition assessment and tailor-made material design | Gerdes, A. / Schwotzer, M. (2018) |
H2OSummit, 1st International Water Congress 2018, Rovinj, Croatia, 18.-21.04.2018 |
Titel | Autor | Quelle |
Carbohydrate‐Based Polymer Brushes Prevent Viral Adsorption on Electrostatically Heterogeneous Interfaces | Kumar, R. / Kratzer, D. / Cheng, K. / Prisby, J. / Sugai, J. / Giannobile, W.V. / Lahann, J. (2018) |
Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 40, 1, doi.org/10.1002/marc.201800530, 2018 |
Compartmentalized Microhelices Prepared via Electrohydrodynamic Cojetting | Gil, M. / Moon, S. / Yoon, J. / Rhamani, S. / Shin, J.-W. / Lee, K.J. / Lahann, J. (2018) |
Advanced Sciens, 5, 6, doi.org/10.1002/advs.201800024, 2018 |
Substrate-Independent Micropatterning of Polymer Brushes Based on Photolytic Deactivation of Chemical Vapor Deposition Based Surface-Initiated Atom-Transfer Radical Polymerization Initiator Films | Kumar, R. / Welle, A. / Becker, F. / Kopyeva, I. / Lahann, J. (2018) |
ACS Appl Mater Interfaces., 2018, 10, 38, 31965-31976, doi: 10.1021/acsami.8b11525 |
Templated nanofiber synthesis via chemical vapor polymerization into liquid crystalline films | Cheng, K.C.K. / Bedolla-Pantoja, M.A. / Kim,Y.-K. / Gregory, J.V. / Fan, X. / France, A. / Hussal, C. / Sun, K. / |
Science 362, 6416, 804-808, DOI: 10.1126/science.aar8449 |
Planar chiral [2.2]paracyclophanes: from synthetic curiosity to applications in asymmetric synthesis and materials | Hassan, Z. / Spuling, E. / Knoll, D.M. / Lahann, J. / Bräse, S. (2018) |
Chem. Soc. Rev., 2018, 18, 47, 6947-6963 |
Surface‐Reactive Patchy Nanoparticles and Nanodiscs Prepared by Tandem Nanoprecipitation and Internal Phase Separation | Varadharajan, D. / Turgut, H. / Lahann, J. / Yabu, H. / Delaittre, G. (2018) |
Advanced functional materials, 2018, 28, 39 |
Droplet microarray: miniaturized platform for rapid formation and high-throughput screening of embryoid bodies | Tronser, T. / Demir, K. / Reischl, M. / Bastmeyer, M. / Levkin, P.A. (2018) |
Lab Chip, 2018,18, 2257-2269 |
Surface-initiated RAFT polymerization from vapor-based polymer coatings | Venkidasubramonian, G. / Kratzer, D. / Trouillet, V. / Zydziak, N. / Franzreb, M. / Barner, L. / Lahann, J. (2018)
Polymer, 2018, 150, 26-34 |
Progress of Multicompartmental Particles for Medical Applications | Misra, A.C. / Lahann, J. (2018) |
Adv. Healthcare Mater., 2018, DOI: 10.1002/adhm.201701319 |
Water-Stable Nanoporous Polymer Films with Excellent Proton Conductivity | Wang, Z. / Liang, C. / Tang, H. / Grosjean, S. / Shahnas, A. / Lahann, J. / Bräse, S. / Wöll, C. (2017) |
Macromolecular Rapid Communications, published online 18.12.17, DOI: 10.1002/marc.201700676 |
Robust label-free biosensing using microdisk laser arrays with on-chip references | Wondimu, S. F. / Hippler, M. / Hussal, M.C. / Hofmann, A. / Krämmer, S. / Lahann, J. / Kalt, H. / Freude, W. / Koos, C. (2018) |
Optics Express, 26, 3, 3161-3173, doi.org/10.1364/OE.26.003161 |
Synthesis and interfacial activity of PMMA/PtBMA Janus and homogeneous nanoparticles at water/oil interfaces | Fernández-Rodríguez, M. A. / Rahmani, S. / Yu, C. K. J. / Rodríguez-Valverde, M. A. / Cabrerizo-Vílchez, M. A. / Michel, C. A. / Lahann, J. / Hidalgo-Álvarez, R. (2018) |
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 536, 259-263, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfa.2016.09.043 |
Dehydration and dehydroxylation of C-S-H phases synthesized on silicon wafers | Giraudo, N. / Bergdolt, S. / Laye, F. / Krolla, P. / Lahann, J. / Thissen, P. (2018) |
Applied Surface Science, 2018, 433, 589-595 |
Titel | Autor | Quelle |
Multisphärische Partikel zur Therapie von Lungenerkrankungen | Schönwälder, S. / Lahann, J. / Overhage, J. / Walles, H. (2018) |
DE 10 2016 114 615 B4 2018.03.01 |
Titel | Autor | Quelle |
Hydrophobic Properties of Calcium-Silicate Hydrates Doped with Rare-Earth Elements | Burek, K. / Krause, F. / Schwotzer, M. / Nefedov, A. / Süssmuth, J. / Haubitz, T. / Kumke, M.U. / Thissen, P. (2018) |
ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng, 2018, 6, 11, 14669–14678 |
Water-Stable Nanoporous Polymer Films with Excellent Proton Conductivity | Wang, Z. / Liang, C. / Tang, H. / Grosjean, S. / Shahnas, A. / Lahann, J. / Bräse, S. / Wöll, C. (2017) |
Macromolecular Rapid Communications, published online 18.12.17, DOI: 10.1002/marc.201700676 |
Diverse Multi-Functionalized Oligoarenes and Heteroarenes for Porous Crystalline Materials | Grosjean, S. / Hassan, Z. / Wöll, C. / Bräse, S. (2018) |
European journal of organic chemistry, 2018, 7, 1446-1460 |
Reaction of porphyrin-based surface-anchored metal-organic frameworks to prolonged illumination | Adams, M. / Baroni, N. / Oldenburg, M. / Kraffert, F. / Behrends, J. / MacQueen, R. W. / Haldar, R. / Busko, D. / Turshatov, A. / Emandi, G. / Senge, M.O. / Wöll, C. / Lips, K. / Richards, B. S. / Howard, I. A. (2018) |
Physical chemistry, chemical physics, 2018, 46, 29142-29151 |
Anisotropic energy transfer in crystalline chromophore assemblies | Haldar, R. / Jakoby, M. / Mazel, A. / Zhang, Q. / Welle, A. / Mohamed, T. / Krolla, P. / Wenzel, W. / Diring, S. / Odobel, F. / Richards, B. S. / Howard, I.A. / Wöll, C. (2018) |
Nature Communications, 2018, 9, 4332 |
Tailoring the Strength of Nanoporous Gold by Self-Assembled Monolayers of Alkanethiols | Mameka, N. / Lührs, L. / Heissler, S. / Gliemann, H. / Wöll, C. (2018) |
ACS applied nano materials, 2018, 1, 12, 6613–6621 |
Surfactant modified platinum based fuel cell cathode studied by X-ray absorption spectroscopy | Melke, J. / Dixon, D. / Riekehr, L. / Benker, N. / Langner, J. / Lentz, C. / Sezen, H. / Nefedov, A. / Wöll, C. / Ehrenberg, H. / Roth, C. (2018) |
Journal of catalysis, 2018, 364, 282–290 |
Dynamic Protein Adsorption onto Dendritic Polyglycerol Sulfate Self-Assembled Monolayers | Stöbener, D. D. / Paulus, F. / Welle, A. / Wöll, C. / Haag, R. (2018) |
Langmuir, 2018, 34, 35, 10302-10308
Boron-Doped Graphene Nanoribbons: Electronic Structure and Raman Fingerprint | Senkovskiy, B. V. / Usachov, D. Y. / Fedorov, A. V. / Marangoni, T. / Haberer, D. / Tresca, C. / Profeta, G. / Caciuc, V. / Tsukamoto, S. / Atodiresei, N. / Ehlen, N. / Chen, C. / Avila, J. / Asensio, M. C. / Varykhalov, A. Y. / Nefedov, A. / Wöll, C. / Kim, T. K. / Hoesch, M. / Fischer, F. R. / Grüneis, A. (2018) |
ACS Nano, 2018,12, 8, 7571-7582
Inkjet-Printed Photoluminescent Patterns of Aggregation-Induced-Emission Chromophores on Surface-Anchored Metal–Organic Frameworks | Baroni, N. / Turshatov, A. / Adams, M. / Dolgopolova, E. A. / Schlisske, S. / Hernandez-Sosa, G. / Wöll, C. / Shustova, N. B. / Richards, B. S. / Howard, I. A. (2018) |
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2018, 10, 30, 25754-25762 |
van der Waals Epitaxial Growth of 2D Metal–Porphyrin Framework Derived Thin Films for Dye‐Sensitized Solar Cells | Wang, Y. Y. / Chen, S. M. / Haldar, R. / Wöll, C. / Gu, Z. G. / Zhang, J. (2018) |
Adv. Mat. Interfaces, 2018, 5, 21, doi.org/10.1002/admi.201800985 |
One‐Step Fabrication of Pillar and Crater‐Like Structures on Titanium Using Direct Laser Interference Patterning | Zwahr, C. / Voisiat, B. / Welle, A. / Günther, D. / Lasagni, A.F. (2018) |
Advanced engineering materials, 2018, 20, 7, https://doi.org/10.1002/adem.201800160 |
Fabrication of Metal–Organic Framework Thin Films Using Programmed Layer‐by‐Layer Assembly Techniques | Wang, Z. / Wöll, C. (2018) |
Advanced materials technologies, 2018, in press, https://doi.org/10.1002/admt.201800413 |
Inter-laboratory calibration of quantitative analyses of antibiotic resistance genes | Stöbener, D.D. / Paulus, F. / Welle, A. / Wöll, C. / Haag, R. (2018) |
Langmuir, 2018, 34, 35, 10302–10308, DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.8b00961 |
Intercalation of hydrophilic antibiotic into the interlayer space of the layered silicate magadiite | Mokhtara, A. / Djelad, A. / Adjdir, M. /Zahraoui, M. / Bengueddach, A. / Sassi, M. (2018) |
Journal of Molecular Structure, 1171, 2018, 190-195 |
Conductance Photoswitching of Metal‐Organic Frameworks with Embedded Spiropyran | Garg, S. / Schwartz, H. / Kozlowska, M. / Kanj, A.B. / Müller, K. / Wenzel, W. / Ruschewitz, U. / Heinke, L. (2018) |
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2018, doi.org/10.1002/anie.201811458 |
Surface-Mounted Metal-Organic Frameworks: Crystalline and Porous Molecular Assemblies for Fundamental Insights and Advanced Applications | Heinke, L. / Wöll, C. (2018) |
Advanced Materials (adma.201806324R1) accepted |
Water as a modulator in the synthesis of surface-mounted metal–organic framework films of type HKUST-1 | Müller, K. / Malhi, J.S. / Wohlgemuth, J. / Fischer, R.A. / Wöll, C. / Gliemann, H. / Heinke, L. (2018) |
Citation: Dalton Trans., 2018,47, 16474-16479, 10.1039/C8DT03310B |
Integration of thin film of metal-organic frameworks in metal-insulator-semiconductor capacitor structures | Montañez, L. M. /Müller, K. / Heinke, L. / Osten, H. J. (2018) |
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2018, 265, 185-188 |
Smart nanoporous metal–organic frameworks by embedding photochromic molecules – state of the art and future perspectives | Schwartz, H.A. / Ruschewitz, U. / Heinke, L. (2018) |
Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2018,17, 864-873, DOI: 10.1039/C7PP00456G |
Dissolving uptake-hindering surface defects in metal–organic frameworks | Müller, K. / Vankova, N. / Schöttner, L. / Heine, T. / Heinke, L. (2018) |
Chem. Sci., 2018, DOI:10.1039/C8SC03735C |
Oxidative polymerization of terthiophene and a substituted thiophene monomer in metal-organic framework thin films | Haldar, R. /Sen, B. / Hurrle, S. / Kitao, T. / Sankhla, R. / Kühl, B. / Welle, A. / Heissler, S. / Brenner-Weiß, G. / Thissen, P. / Uemura, T. / Gliemann, H. / Barner-Kowollik, C. / Wöll, C. (2018) |
European Polymer Journal, 2018, 109, 162-168 |
Enhancing Selectivity and Kinetics in Oxidative Photocyclization by Supramolecular Control | Haldar, R. / Diring, S. / Samanta, P.K. / Muth, M. / Clancy, W. / Mazel, A. / Schlabach, S. / Kirschhöfer, F. / Brenner‐Weiß, G. / Pati, S.K. / Odobel, F. / Wöll, C. (2018) |
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 57, 41, 2018, 13662-13665 |
Surface-Anchored Metal–Organic Frameworks as Versatile Resists for Gas-Assisted E-Beam Lithography: Fabrication of Sub-10 Nanometer Structures | Drost, M. / Tu, F. / Berger, L. / Preischl, C. / Zhou, W. / Gliemann, H. / Wöll, C. / Marbach, H. (2018) |
ACS Nano 2018, 12, 4, 3825-3835 |
Improved Manufacture of Hybrid Membranes with Bio-Nanopore Adapters Capable of Self-Luting | Altintoprak, K. / Farajollahi, F. / Seidenstücker, A. / Ullrich, T. / Wenz, N.L. / Krolla, P. / Plettl, A. / Ziemann, P. / Marti, O. / Walther, P. / Exner, D. / Schwaiger, R. / Gliemann, H. / Wege, C. (2018) |
Bioinspired, Biomimetic and Nanobiomaterials, ISSN 2045-9858 | E-ISSN 2045-9866, doi:org/10.1680/jbibn.18.00008 |
Substrate-Independent Micropatterning of Polymer Brushes Based on Photolytic Deactivation of Chemical Vapor Deposition Based Surface-Initiated Atom-Transfer Radical Polymerization Initiator Films | Kumar, R. / Welle, A. / Becker, F. / Kopyeva, I. / Lahann, J. (2018) |
ACS Appl Mater Interfaces., 2018, 10, 38, 31965-31976, doi: 10.1021/acsami.8b11525 |
Combined in-depth X-Ray Pghotoelectron Spectroscopy and TOF Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy study of the effect of deposition pressure and substrate bias on the electrical properties and composition of Ga-doped ZNO thin films grown by magnetron sputtering | Correia, F.C. / Ribeiro, J.M. / Salvador, P.B. / Welle, A. / Bruns, M. / Mendes, A. / Tavares, C.J. (2018) |
Thin Solid Films, 2018, 665, 184-192 |
Highly efficient photocatalytic degradation of dyes by a novel copper‐triazolate metal‐organic framework | Yang, G. / Liu, C.X. / Zhang, W.H. / Wang, N. / Guo, P. / Muhler, M. / Wang, Y. / Chen, Z. / Lin, S. (2018) |
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CuPd Mixed-Metal HKUST-1 as a Catalyst for Aerobic Alcohol Oxidation | Guo, P. / Froese, C. / Fu, Q. / Chen, Y.T. / Peng, B. / Kleist, W. / Fischer, R.A. / Muhler, M. / Wang, Y. (2018) |
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Adsorption of Acetone on Rutile TiO2: A DFT and FTIRS Study | Würger, T. / Heckel, W. / Sellschopp, K. / Müller, S. / Stierle, A. / Wang, Y. / Noei, H. / Feldbauer, G. (2018) |
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Series of Photoswitchable Azobenzene-Containing Metal–Organic Frameworks with Variable Adsorption Switching Effect | Wang, Z. / Müller, K. / Valášek, M. / Grosjean, S. / Bräse, S. / Wöll, C. / Mayor, M. / Heinke, L. (2018) |
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Ordered defects in Fe1−xS generate additional magnetic anisotropy symmetries | Koulialias, D. / Charilaou, M. / Schäublin, R. / Mensing, C. / Weidler, P.G. / Löffler, J.F. / Gehring, A.U. (2018) |
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Topographic cues guide the attachment of diatom cells and algal zoospores | Xiao, L. / Finlay, J.A. / Röhrig, M. / Mieszkin, S. / Worgull, M. / Hölscher, H. / Callow, J.A. / Callow, M.E. / Grunze, M. / Rosenhahn, A. (2018) |
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High Antimicrobial Activity of Metal-Organic Framework-Templated Porphyrin Polymer Thin Films | Zhou, W. / Begum, S. / Wang, Z. / Krolla, P. / Wagner, D. / Bräse, S. / Wöll, C. / Tsotsalas, M. (2018) |
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Topographic cues guide the attachment of diatom cells and algal zoospores | Xiao, L. / Finlay, J. / Röhrig, M. / Mieszkin, S. / Worgull, M. / Hölscher, H. / Callow, J. A. / Callow, M.E. / Grunze, M. / Rosenhahn, A. (2018) |
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Enhancing the photoluminescence of surface anchored metal–organic frameworks: mixed linkers and efficient acceptors | Oldenburg, M. / Turshatov, A. / Busko, D. / Jakoby, M. / Haldar, R. / Chen, K. / Emandi, G. / Senge, M.O. / Wöll, C. / Hodgkiss, J.M. / Richardsae, B.S. / Howard, I.A. (2018) |
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Synthesis and spectroscopic characterization of alkali-metal intercalated ZrSe2 | Nikonov, K. / Ehlen, N. / Senkovskiy, B. / Saiga, N. / Fedorov, A. / Nefedov, A. / Wöll, C. / Di Santo, G. / Petaccia, L. / Grüneis, A. (2018) |
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Extraction and characterization methods for titanium dioxide nanoparticles from commercialized sunscreens | Philippe, A. / Košík, J. / Welle, A. / Guigner, J.M. / Clemens, O. / Schaumann, G.E. (2018) |
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Reversible Surface Engineering via Nitrone-Mediated Radical Coupling | Laun, J. / Marchal, W. / Trouillet, V. / Welle, A. / Hardy, A. / Van Bael, M.K. / Barner-Kowollik, C. / Junkers, T. (2018) |
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Secondary ion mass spectrometry imaging and multivariate data analysis reveal co-aggregation patterns of Populus trichocarpa leaf surface compounds on a micrometer scale | Kulkarni; P / Dost, M / Bulut, Ö. D. / Welle, A. / Böcker, S. / Boland, W. / Svatoš, A. (2018) |
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Ordered defects in Fe1−xS generate additional magnetic anisotropy symmetries | Koulialias, D / Charilaou, M. / Schäublin, R. / Mensing, C. / Weidler, P.G. / Löffler, J.F. / Gehring, A.U. (2018) |
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Electrochemically-Driven Insertion of Biological Nanodiscs into Solid State Membrane Pores as a Basis for "Pore-In-Pore" Membranes | Farajollahi, F. / Seidenstücker, A. / Altintoprak, K. / Walther, P. / Ziemann, P. / Plettl, A. / Marti, O. / Wege, C. / Gliemann, H. (2018) |
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Bioinspired Strategy for Controlled Polymerization and Photopatterning of Plant Polyphenols | Behboodi-Sadabad, F. / Zhang, H. / Trouillet, V. / Welle, A. / Plumeré, N. / Levkin, P.A. (2018) |
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Synthesis of MIL-101@g-C3N4 nanocomposite for enhanced adsorption capacity towards CO2 | Argoub, A. / Ghezini, R. / Bachir, C. / Boukoussa, B. / Khelifa, A. / Bengueddach, A. / Weidler, P. / Hamacha, R. (2018) |
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Experimental Study of Small-Scale Mineral Particles in the Atmosphere of Central Asia | Adushkin, V. / Chen, B. / Popel, S. / Dubinskii, A. / Weidler, P. / Friedrich, F. (2018) |
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Infrared Reflection − Absorption Spectroscopy and Density Functional Theory Investigations of Ultrathin ZnO Films Formed on Ag(111) | Andersen, M. / Yu, X. / Kick, M. / Wang, Y. / Wöll, C. / Reuter, K. (2018) |
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Microporous Layer Degradation in Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells | Liu, H. / George, M. / Ge, N. / Muirhead, D. / Shrestha, P. / Lee, J. / Banerjee, R. / Zeis, R. / Messerschmidt, M. / Scholta, J. / Krolla, P. / Bazylak, A. (2018) |
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Engineering Nitroxide Functional Surfaces Using Bioinspired Adhesion | Woehlk, H. / Steinkoenig, J. / Lang, C. / Michalek, L. / Trouillet, V. / Krolla, P. / Goldmann, A.S. / Barner, L. / Blinco, J.P. / Barner-Kowollik, C. / Fairfull-Smith, K.E. (2018) |
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Infrared Reflection–Absorption Spectroscopy and Density Functional Theory Investigations of Ultrathin ZnO Films Formed on Ag(111) | Andersen, M. / Yu, X. / Kick, M. / Wang, Y. / Wöll, C. / Reuter, K. (2018) |
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In-line Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy as a versatile process analytical technology for preparative protein chromatography | Großhans, S. / Rüdt, M. / Sanden, A. / Brestrich, N. / Morgenstern, J. / Heissler, S. / Hubbuch, J. (2018) |
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Thermal cis-to-trans Isomerization of Azobenzene Side Groups in Metal-Organic Frameworks investigated by Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Spectroscopy | Zhou, W. / Grosjean, S. / Bräse, S. / Heinke, L. (2019) |
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Switching the Proton Conduction in Nanoporous, Crystalline Materials by Light | Müller, K. / Helfferich, J. /Zhao, F. / Verma, R. / Kanj, A.B. / Meded, V. / Bléger, D. / Wenzel, W. / Heinke, L. (2018) |
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Dehydration and dehydroxylation of C-S-H phases synthesized on silicon wafers | Giraudo, N. / Bergdolt, S. / Laye, F. / Krolla, P. / Lahann, J. / Thissen, P. (2018) |
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Titel | Autor | Quelle |
Does the antidiabetic drug metformin affect embryo development and the health of brown trout (Salmo trutta f. fario)? | Jacob, S. / Dötsch, A. / Knoll, S. / Köhler, H.-R. / Rogall, E. / Stoll, D. / Tisler, S. / Huhn, C. / Schwartz, T. / Zwiener, C. / Triebskorn, R. (2018) |
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Impact of dental cement on the peri-implant biofilm-microbial comparison of two different cements in an in vivo observational study | Korsch, M. / Marten, S.M. / Walther, W. / Vital, M. / Pieper, D.H. / Dötsch, A. (2018) |
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Impact of the particulate matter from wastewater discharge on the abundance of antibiotic resistance genes and facultative pathogenic bacteria in downstream river sediments | Brown, P.C. / Borowska, E. / Schwartz, T. / Horn, H. (2018) |
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Inter-laboratory calibration of quantitative analyses of antibiotic resistance genes | Rocha, J. / Cacace, D. / Kampouris, I. / Guilloteauc, H. / Jäger, T. / Marano, R.B.M. / Karaolia, P. / Manaia, C.M. / Merlin, C. / Fatta-Kassinos, D. / Cytryne, E. / Berendonk, T.U. / Schwartz, T. (2018) |
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Live-dead discrimination analysis, qPCR assessment for opportunistic pathogens, and population analysis at ozone wastewater treatment plants | Jäger, T. / Alexander, J. / Kirchen, S. / Dötsch, A. / Wieland, A. / Hiller, C. / Schwartz, T. (2018) |
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Reduction of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria During Conventional and Advanced Wastewater Treatment, and the Disseminated Loads Released to the Environment | Jäger, T. / Hembach, N. / Elpers, C. / Wieland, A. / Alexander, J. / Hiller, C. / Krauter, G. / Schwartz, T. (2018) |
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Removal of antibiotics, antibiotic-resistant bacteria and their associated genes by graphene-based TiO2 composite photocatalysts under solar radiation in urban wastewaters | Karaolia, P. / Michael-Kordatou, I. / Hapeshi, E. / Drosou, C. / Bertakis, Y. / Christofilos, D. / Armatas, G. S. / Sygellou, L. / Schwartz, T. / Xekoukoulotakis, N. P. / Fatta-Kassinos, D. (2018) |
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Towards Biofilm Spectroscopy- A Novel Microfluidic Approach for Characterizing Biofilm Subpopulation by Microwave-Based Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy | Richter, C. / Schneider, S. / Rapp, E. B. / Schmidt, S. / Schüßler, M. / Jakoby, R. / Bruchmann, J. / Bischer, M. / Schwartz, T. (2018) |
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Untersuchung der Eliminationsleistung verschiedener weiterführender Abwasserreinigungsverfahren zur Keimreduktion | Hembach, N. / Alexander, J. / Wieland, A. / Hiller, C. / Schwartz, T. (2018) |
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Zum Vorkommen und zur vorläufigen hygienisch-medizinischen Bewertung von Antibiotika-resistenten Bakterien mit humanmedizinischer Bedeutung in Gewässern, Abwässern, Badegewässern sowie zu möglichen Konsequenzen für die Trinkwasserversorgung | Exner, M. / Schmithausen, R. / Schreiber, C. / Bierbaum, G. / Parcina, M. / Engelhart, S. / Kistemann, T. / Sib, E. / Walger, P. / Schwartz, T. (2018) |
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