Microbiology / Molecular Biology
The Working group of Microbiology / Molecular Biology is concerned with bacterial biofilms and bacterial populations on abiotic and biotic materials/surfaces. One focus is the targeted generation of innovative micro-structured and biologised surfaces for the manipulation of biofilms. Natural bacterial communities (microbiomes) are also investigated using high-resolution population analyses and transcriptome analyses. Here, the evolution and spread of antibiotic resistance genes and facultative pathogenic bacteria in the anthropogenically influenced environment are specifically investigated using molecular biological methods.The influence of anthropogenic agents and pharmaceuticals on the microbiome and thus on the host organism is another scientific focus of the department. This results in assessment concepts for bacterial risk potentials in medicine, technology and the environment, which should lead to appropriate regulation.
Picture: Leader of the working group Prof. Dr. Thomas Schwartz

Prof. Dr. Thomas Schwartz
Microbiology / Molecularbiology