Title | Author | Source |
The famous versus the inconvenient - or the dawn and the rise of 3D-culture systems | Altmann, B. / Welle, A. / Giselbrecht, S. / Truckenmüller, R. / Gottwald, E. (2009) |
World J Stem Cells, 2009, 1(1), 43-8, doi: 10.4252/wjsc.v1.i1.43 |
Combined use of molecular biology taxonomy, Raman spectrometry and ESEM imaging to study natural biofilms grown on filter materials at waterworks | Schwartz, T. / Jungfer, C. / Friedrich, F. / Heissler, S. / Faubel, W. / Obst, U. (2009) |
Chemosphere (2009), 77, 249-257 |
Critical comparison between the pulsed electric field and thermal decontamination methods of hospital waste water | Gusbeth, C. / Frey, W. / Schwartz, T. / Rieder, A. (2009) |
Acta Physica Polonica A (2009), 115, 1092-1094 |
Host defence against Staphylococcus aureus biofilms infection: Phagocytosis of biofilms by polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) | Günther, F. / Wabnitz, G. H. / Stroh, P. / Prior, B. / Obst, U. / Samstag, Y. / Wagner, C. / Hänsch, G. H. (2009) | Mol. Immun. 46 (2009), 1805-1813 |
Morphological, bacteria and secondary metabolite changes of Aplysina aerophoba upon long-term maintenance under artificial conditions | Gerce, B. / Schwartz, T. / Voigt, M. / Rühle, S. / Kirchen, S. / Putz, A. / Proksch, P. / Obst, U. / Syldatk, C. / Hausmann, R. (2009) |
Microbial Ecology 58 (2009), 4, 865-878 |
Studies on the local anthropogenic influence on the horizontal and vertical distribution of microorganisms in the water of Lake Baikal | Parfenova, V.V. / Pavlova, O.N. / Kravchenko, O.S. / Kostorrnova, T.Y. / Nikulina, I.G. / Tomberg, I.V. / Ivanov, V.G. / Meyer, J. / Jaiter, D. / Fickel, J. / Bachmann, T. / Obst, U. (2009) | Hydrobiological Journal 45 (2009), 4, 50-60 |
Phagocytosis of stapholycolocci biofilms by polymorphonuclear neutrophils: S. aureus and S. epidermis differ with regard to their susceptibilty towards the host defence | Günther, F. / Stroh, P. / Wagner, C. / Obst, U. / Hänsch, GM (2009) | Int. J Artif. Organs 32 (2009), 9, 565-573 |
Effects of the long-term cultivation of Aplysina aerophoba under artificial conditions on the associated bacteria | Gerce, B. / Schwartz, T. / Voigt, M. / Rühle, S. / Kirchen, S. / Putz, A. / Proksch, P. / Obst, U. / Syldatk, C. / Hausmann, R. (2009) | Microbial Ecology (2009), 58, 865-878 |
Application of a molecular biology concept for the detection of DNA damage and repair during UV disinfection | Süß, J. / Volz, S. / Obst, U. / Schwartz, T. (2009) | Water Research 43 (2009), 3705-3716 |
Pulsed electric field treatment for bacteria reduction and its impact on hospital wastewater | Gusbeth, C. / Frey, W. / Volkmann, H. / Schwartz T. / Bluhm, H. (2009) | Chemosphere 75 (2009), 228-233 |
In vivo labeling and specific magnetic bead separation of RNA for biofilm characterization and stress induced gene expression analysis in bacteria | Stankiewicz, N. / Gold, A. / Yüksel, Y. / Berensmeier, S. / Schwartz, T. (2009) |
Journal of Microbiological Methods 79 (2009), 3, 344–352 |
Removal of Arsenic(III), Chromium(III) and Iron(III) Traces from Hydrofluoric Acid Solutions by Specialty Anion Exchangers | Fernández-Olmo, I. / Fernández, J. / Irabien, A. / Höll, W. (2009) |
Solvent Extraction 27 (2009), 5–6, 727–744 |
Methode zur Ermittlung des Foulingpotenzials bei der Ultrafiltration (UF-FP) | Lipp, P. / Hetzer, B (2009) |
energie | wasser-praxis 10 (2009), 10, 58-61 |
Selective adsorption of atrazine by chelating resins | Chang, C. / Chang, C. / Höll, W. (2009) |
Chin. J. Environnm. Eng. (2009) |
Integrierte Produktion und Separation von Biotensiden im Mehrphasenreaktor | Heyd, M. / Franzreb, M. / Berensmeier, S. (2009) | Chemie Ingenieur Technik 82 (2009), 1–2, 111–115 |
Protein separation with magnetic adsorbents in micellar aqueous two-phase systems | Becker, J. / Thomas, O. / Franzreb, M. (2009) |
Separation and Purification Technology, 65 (2009), 1, 46–53 |
Influence of different magnetites on properties of magnetic Pseudomonas aeruginosa immobilizates used for biosurfactant production | Heyd, M. / Weigold, P. / Franzreb, M. / Berensmeier, S. (2009) |
Biotechnology Progress 25 (2009), 6, 1620–1629 |
Chemical precipitation of copper from copper-zinc solutions onto selective sorbents | Kravchenko, T. / Polyanskiy, L. / Krysanov, V. / Zelensky, E. / Kalinitchev, A. / Hoell, W. (2009) |
Hydrometallurgy 95 (2009), 1–2, 141–144 |
Pt-doped TiO2 / Magnetic poly(methyl methacrylate) microspheres as a novel photocatalyst | Chen Y. / Franzreb, M. / Lin, R.H. / Chen, L. / Chang, C. / Yu, Y. / Chiang, P. (2009) |
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 48 (2009), 16, 7616–7623 |
Probing hot spots on protein-protein interfaces with all-atom free-energy simulation | Meliciani, I. / Klenin, K. / Strunk, T. / Schmitz, K. / Wenzel, W. (2009) |
Journal of Chemical Physics 131 (2009), 3 |
Title | Author | Source |
Decontamination of waste water by pulsed electric field treatment: a critical evaluation | Gusbeth, C. / Frey, W. / Miller, G. / Schwartz, T. (2009) |
17th International Pulsed Power Power Conference, Washington D.C., USA, 28 Juni - 2 Juli, 2009, 279 |
Molecular target interactions for bacteria and pathogen separation from eukaryotic matrices | Diler, E. / Schmitz, K. / Schwartz, T. (2009) | Treffen des Kompetenzbereichs Angewandte Lebenswissenschaften am KIT, Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 28. Juli, 2009 |
Indicators to pursuit the living deads | Obst, U. (2009) | Keynote-Vortrag bei VAAM-Tagung, How dead is dead - Survival and final inactivation of microorganisms, Bochum, Deutschland, 29. July, 2009 |
Microbiological aspects in water and waste water treatment | Obst, U. (2009) | Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesien, 29. July, 2009 |
Klein, fein aber gemein - Mikroben sind überall | Obst, U. (2009) |
Kinderuni Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 11. August, 2009 |
Field Experiences with Molecular Biological Detection of Bacteria | Obst, U. (2009) |
Feng Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan, 12. Oktober, 2009 |
Bacterial Regrowth and Biofilms in Water Distribution Systems | Obst, U. (2009) |
Taiwan Water Works, Taichung, Taiwan, 14. Oktober. 2009 |
Denitrifaction of Drinking Water by Biofilms Growing on Polycaprolactone (PCL) Beads-Results of Microbiological Investigations | Obst, U. (2009) |
ITRI-Industrial Technology Research Instititute, HsinChu, Taiwan, 16. Oktober, 2009 |
Emergency Water Supply | Obst, U. (2009) |
ITRI-Industrial Technology Research Institute, HsinChu, Taiwan, 16. Oktober, 2009 |
Survival of Bacteria after Treatment and Disinfection | Obst, U. (2009) |
IWA-Aspire Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, 19.-22. Oktober |
Klein, fein aber auch gemein: Mikroben in und um uns | Obst, U (2009) |
Kinderuni Bretten, Bretten, Deutschland, 18. Dezember, 2009 |
Integrated continuous microbial rhamnolipid production | Heyd, M. / Franzreb, M./ Berensmeier, S.(2009) |
DECHEMA-Jahrestagung, Aufarbeitung biotechnologischer Produkte, Bad Schandau, Deutschland, 2009 |
Mechanisms of arsenic removal from water | Höll, W.H. (2009) |
Yilmazm, C. (Hrsg.) /Kocaoglu, A. (Hrsg.): Proc. Int. Seminar, Safe Drinking Water Production, Izmir, Türkei, 21–23 Januar, 2009, 53 – 58 |
Magnettechnologische Bioproduktaufarbeitung: Aktueller Stand und Perspektiven im Bereich der Weißen Biotechnologie | Franzreb, M. (2009) |
2. Clusterkongress des CIB Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Deutschland, 16. Juni, 2009 |
Magnetic nano-adsorbents for industrial bioproduct purification | Franzreb, M. (2009) |
3rd German-Japanese Young Researchers Workshop, Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 30. Juli, 2009
Design und Test kleiner Moleküle für die Manipulation von Leukozyten | Schmitz, K. (2009) |
Kolloquium des Instituts für Organische Chemie, Deutschland, Februar, 2009 |
Modeling and screening of small-molecule ligands | Schmitz, K. / Wenzel, W. (2009) |
Evaluierung des BioInterfaces-Programms im Rahmen der Projektorientierten Förderung der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft, Deutschland, April, 2009 |
Towards small-molecule ligands to modulate leukocyte behavior | Schmitz, K.(2009) |
“Applied Life Science” – Symposium, July 2009 |
Handling of super-paramagnetic particles in microfluidic systems | Danckwardt, N. / Guber, A. / Franzreb, M. (2009) |
KIT PhD Symposium, Karlsruhe, Deustchland, 18. März, 2009 |
Title | Author | Source |
Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur sorptiven Trennung von Stoffgemischen | Franzreb, M. (2009) |
Patentanmeldung 102009017749.3, Anmeldetag 22. April, 2009 |
Title | Author | Source |
Water adsorption on the α-Al2O3(0001) surface | Thissen, P. / Grundmeier, G. / Wippermann, S. / Schmidt, W. (2009) |
Physical Review B 24 (2009), 80 |
Microwave irradiation used for all steps of pre-pillaring Al-montmorillonite | Yapar, S. / Sanchez, R.M. / Emreol, M. / Weidler, P. / Emmerich, K. (2009) | Clay Minerals, 44 (2009), 2, 161-172 |
A comprehensive characterization of dioctahedral smectites | Wolters, F. / Lagaly, G. / Kahr, G. / Nueesch, R. / Emmerich, K. (2009) | Clays and Clay Minerals, 57 (2009), 1, 115-133 |
Alteration of non-swellable clays and magadiite by acid treatment | Steudel, A. / Batenburg, L.F. / Fischer, H.R. / Weidler, P.G. / Emmerich, K. (2009) | Applied Clay Science 44 (2009), 95-104 |
Alteration of swelling clay minerals by acid activation | Steudel, A. / Batenburg, L.F. / Fischer, H.R. / Weidler, P.G. / Emmerich, K. (2009) | Applied Clay Science 44 (2009), 105-115 |
Clay profiling: The classification of montmorillonites | Emmerich, K. / Wolters, F. / Kahr, G. / Lagaly, G. (2009) | Clays and Clay Minerals, 57 (2009), 1, 104-114 |
Title | Author | Source |
Entwicklung eines Sensors zur Messung des Bodenwassergehalts im Tiefenprofil für den Einsatz in Einzugsgebieten von Trinkwasserwerken | Hofmann, B. / Königer, F. / Dietz, S. / Wirsing, T. / Maier, M. / Roth, K. (2009) |
Berichtsband zum Workshop Innovative Feuchtemessung in Forschung und Praxis: Materialeigenschaften und Prozesse, Bad Herrenalb, Deutschland, 30.September - 1.Oktober, 2009 |
Methoden zur Charakterisierung mikrobieller Populationen in Tonrohstoffen unterschiedlichen Alters | Kaden, R. / Petrick, K. / Emmerich, K. / Menger-Krug, E. / Dieterle, M. / Kuch, P. / Peuker, M. / Diedel, R. / Huber, St. / Fischer, H. / Beyer, D. / Zehnsdorf, A. / Krolla-Sidenstein, P. (2009) |
Innovative Feuchtemessung in Forschung und Praxis Materialeigenschaften und Prozesse, Bad Herrenalb, 30.September - 1.Oktober, 2009, 137-141 |
Crystallization of calcium phosphates from waste- and processwater: Influence of the organic load | Ehbrecht, A. / Schuhmann, R. (2009) |
2nd IWA Specialized Conf.Nutrient Management in Wastewater Treatment Processes, Krakau, Polen, 6.-9. September, 2009 |
Particle size reduction (delamination) of illite and vermiculite by acid activation | Steudel, A. / Batenburg, L.F. / Fischer, H. / Weidler, P.G. / Schuhmann, R. / Emmerich, K. (2009) | Fiore, S. / Belviso, C. / Giannossi, M.L. (2009): 14th International Clay Conference, Castellaneta Marina, Italien, 14.-20. Juni, 2009 |
Investigation of the clay maturing process as basis for property-enhancing utilization and control of microbiological reactions | Peuker, M. / Diedel, R. / Petrick, K. / Menger-Krug, E. / Kaden, R. / Emmerich, K. / Schuhmann, R. / Dieterle, M. / Kuch, P. / Huber, S. / Fischer, H. / Beyer, D. / Zehnsdorf, A. / Krolla-Sidenstein, P. (2009) | Fiore, S. / Belviso, C. / Giannossi, M.L. (2009): 14th International Clay Conference, Castellaneta Marina, Italien, 14.-20. Juni, 2009 |
Why do two apparently similar German ceramic clays display different rheological properties during maturation? | Petrick, K. / Emmerich, K. / Menger-Krug, E. / Kaden, R. / Dieterle, M. / Kuch, P. / Diedel, R. / Peuker, M. / Krolla-Sidenstein, P. (2009) | 14th International Clay Conference, Castellaneta Marina, Italien, 14.-20. Juni 2009, 400 |
Do I/S mixed-layer minerals influence the workability of two ceramic clays from Westerwald, Germany? | Petrick, K. / Diedel, R. / Peuker, M. / Dieterle, M. / Kuch, P. / Kaden, R. / Krolla-Sidenstein, P. / Emmerich, K. (2009) | 14th International Clay Conference, Castellaneta Marina, Italien, 14.-20. Juni 2009 |
Methods characterising microbial community composition during clay aging | Krolla-Sidenstein, P. / Kaden, R. / Emmerich, K. / Petrick, K. / He, L./ Gliemann, H. (2009) | 14th International Clay Conference, Castellaneta Marina, Italien, 14.-20. Juni 2009 |
Monitoring of moisture spreading in a multi-layer hydraulic sealing system during saturation with a rock salt brine by TDR sensors | Koeniger, F. / Emmerich, K. / Kemper, G. / Gruner, M. / Gaßner, W. / Stacheder, M. / Schuhmann, R. (2009) | Proceedings of ISEMA, Helsinki, Finnland, 1-5 Juni, 2009, 365-371 |
Title | Author | Source |
pH Amplified Exponential Growth Multilayers: A Facile Method to Develop Hierarchical Micro- and Nanostructured Surfaces | Fu, J. / Ji, J. / Shen, L. / Küller, A. / Rosenhahn, A. / Shen, J. / Grunze, M. (2009) |
Langmuir 25 (2009), 672 |
Coherent-Pulse 2D Crystallography Using a Free-Electron Laser X-Ray Source | Mancuso, A. / Schropp, A. / Reime, B. / Stadler, L. / Singer, A. / Gulden, J. / Streit-Nierobisch, S. / Gutt, C. / Grübel, G. / Feldhaus, J. / Staier, F. / Barth, R. / Grunze, M. / Rosenhahn, A. / Nisius, T. / Wilhein, T. / Stickler, D. / Stillrich, H. / Frömter, R. / Oepen, H. / Martins, M. / Pfau, B. / Günther, C. / Könnecke, R. / Eisebitt, S. / Faatz, B. / Guerassimova, N. / Honkavaara, K. / Kocharyan, V. / Treusch, R. / Saldin, E. / Schreiber, S. / Schneidmiller, E. / Yurkov, M. / Weckert, E. / Vartanyants, I. (2009) |
Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 (2009) |
Resistance of polysaccharide coatings to proteins, hematopoietic cells and marine organisms | Cao, X. / Pettitt, M. / Henry, S. / Wagner, W. / Ho, A. / Clare, A. / Callow, J. / Callow, M. / Grunze, M. / Rosenhahn, A. (2009) |
Biomacromolecules 10 (2009), 907 |
The zeta potential of motile spores of the green alga Ulva linza and the influence of electrostatic interactions on spore settlement and adhesion strength | Rosenhahn, A. / Finlay, J. / Pettitt, M. / Ward, A. / Wirges, W. / Gerhard, R. / Callow, M. / Grunze, M. / Callow, J. (2009) |
Biointerphases 4 (2009), 1, 7 |
Digital In-line Holography with femtosecond VUV radiation provided by the free-electron laser FLASH | Rosenhahn, A. / Staier, F. / Nisius, T. / Schäfer, D. / Barth, R. / Christophis, C. / Stadler, L. / Streit-Nierobisch, S. / Gutt, C. / Mancuso, A. / Schropp, A. / Gulden, J. / Reime, B. / Feldhaus, J. / Weckert, E. / Pfau, B. / Günther, C. / Könnecke, R. / Eisebitt, S. / Martins, M. / Faatz, B. / Guerassimova, N. / Honkavaara, K. / Treusch, R. / Saldin, E. / Schreiber, S. / Schneidmiller, E. / Yurkov, M. / Vartaniants, I. / Grübel, G. / Grunze, M. / Wilhein, T. (2009) |
Optics Express 17 (2009), 10, 8220 |
Resonant magnetic scattering with femtosecond soft X-ray pulses from a free electron laser at 1.59 nm | Gutt, C. / Stadler, L. / Streit-Nierobisch, S. / Mancuso, A. / Schropp, A. / Gulden, J. / Reime, B. / Feldhaus, R. / Weckert, E. / Vartaniants, I. / Pfau, B. / Günther, C. / Könnecke, R. / Eisebitt, S. / Hellwig, O. / Barth, R. / Staier, F. / Grunze, M. / Rosenhahn, A. / Stickler, D. / Stillrich, H. / Frömter, R. / Oepen, H. / Martins, M. / Nisius, T. / Wilhein, T. / Brenger, A. / Faatz, B. / Guerassimova, N. / Honkavaara, K. / Treusch, R. / Saldin, E. / Schreiber, S. / Schneidmiller, E. / Yurkov, M. / Grübel, G. (2009) |
Phys. Rev. B 79 (2009) |
Physicochemical properties of (ethylene glycol)-containing self-assembled monolayers relevant for protein and algal cell resistance | Schilp, S. / Rosenhahn, A. / Grunze, M. / Pettitt, M. / Callow, M. / Bowen, J. / Callow, J. (2009) |
Langmuir 25 (2009), 17, 10077 |
Analysis of holographic microscopy data to quantitatively investigate three dimensional settlement dynamics of algal zoospores in the vicinity of surfaces | Heydt, M. / Divos, P. / Grunze, M. / Rosenhahn, A. (2009) |
European Physics Journal E 30 (2009), 141 |
Wachstumsmechanismen Metall-organischer Gerüststrukturen: Einblicke in die Keimbildung anhand einer schrittweisen Methodik | Shekhah, O. / Wang, H. / Zacher, D. / Fischer, R. / Wöll, C. (2009) |
Angew. Chem., 121 (2009), 5138-5142 |
Photoresponsive SAMs on gold fabricated from azobenzobene-functionalised asparagusic acid derivates | Siemeling, U. / Bruhn, C. / Bretthauer, F. / Borg, M. / Traeger, F. / Vogel, F. / Azzam, W. / Badin, M. / Strunskus, T. / Wöll, C. (2009) | Dalton Transactions 40 (2009), 8593-8604 |
Probing interaction of the amino acid alanine with the surface of ZnO | Gao, Y. K. / Träger, F. / Shekhah, O. / Idriss, H. / Wöll, C. (2009) | Journ. Of Colloid and Interface Science 338 (2009), 16-21 |
Ti-Ni alloys as MH electrodes in Ni-MH accumulators | Saldan, I. / Burtovyy, R. / Becker, H.W. / Ader, V. / Wöll, C. (2009) | Int. Journ. Of Hydrogen Energy 33 (2009), 7177-7184 |
A new dual-purpose ultrahigh vacuum infrared spectroscopy apparatus optimized for grazing-incidence reflection as well as for transmission geometries | Wang, Y. / Glenz, A. / Muhler, M. / Wöll, C. (2009) | Review of Scientific Instruments 80 (2009), 113108 |
Thermally activated dewetting of organic thin films:the case of pentacene on SiO2 and gold | D. Käfer, C. Wöll, G.Witte, G. (2009) | Appl Phys A 95 (2009), 273–284 |
Fabrication of a surface plasmon resonance biosensor based on gold nanoparticleschemisorbed onto a 1,10-decanedithiol self-assembled monolayer | Azzam, E.M.S. / Bashir, A. / Shekhah, O. / Alawady, A.R.E. / Birkner, A. / Grunwald, C. / Wöll, C. (2009) | Thin Solid Films 518 (2009), 387–391 |
Post-formation modification of SAMs: Using “click”-chemistry to functionalize organic surfaces | Chelmowski, R. / Käfer, D. / Köster, S. / Klasen, T. / Winkler, T. / Terfort, A. / Metzler-Nolte, N. / Wöll, C. (2009) | Langmuir 25 (2009), 11480-11485 |
Transition of molecule orientation during adsorption of terephthalic acid on rutile TiO2(110) | Rahe, P. / Nimmrich, M. / Nefedov, A. / Naboka, M. / Wöll, C. / Kühnle, A. (2009) | J. Phys. Chem. C 113 (2009), 17471-17478 |
Wachstumsmechanismen Metall-organischer Gerüststrukturen: Einblicke in die Keimbildung anhand einer schrittweisen Methodik | Shekhah, O. / Wang, H. / Zacher, D. / Fischer, R. / Wöll, C. (2009)
Angew. Chem. 121 (2009), 5138-5142 |
Interfacial Systems Chemistry: Towards the Remote Control of Surface Properties | Wöll, C. (2009) | Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 48 (2009), 8406-8408 |
Schicht-für-Schicht-Flüssigphasenepitaxie von kristallinen Koordinationspolymeren an Oberflächen | Fischer, R. / Wöll, C. (2009) |
Angew. Chem. 121 (2009), 2–6 |
Layer-by-Layer Liquid-Phase Epitaxy of Crystalline Coordination Polymers at Surfaces | Fischer, R. / Wöll, C. (2009)
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (2008), 48, 6205-6208 |
Organic surfaces exposed by self-assembled organothiol monolayers: preparation, characterization, and application | Kind, M. / Wöll, Ch. (2009) |
Prog. Surf. Sci. (2009) |
Molecular Mechanisms of Electron-Induced Cross-Linking in Aromatic SAMsA | Turchanin, A. / Käfer, D. / El-Desawy, M. / Wöll, Ch. / Witte, G. /Gölzhäuser, A. (2009) |
Langmuir (2009), online av. |
IR spectroscopic characterization of SAMs made from a homologous series of pyridine disulfides | Liu, J. / Stratmann, L. / Krakert, S. / M. Kind, M. / Olbrich, F. / Terfort, A. / Wöll, Ch. (2009) |
J. El. Spec. and Rel. Phen. 172 (2009), 120–127 |
Growth mechanism of metal-organic frameworks: Fundamental insights into the nucleation by employing a step-by-step route | Shekhah, O. / Wang, H. / Zacher, D. / Fischer, R./ Wöll, Ch. (2009) | Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (2009), 48, 5038-5041 |
Formation of weakly bound, ordered adlayers of CO on rutile TiO2(110): A combined experimental and theoretical study | Kunat, M. / Traeger, F. / Silber, D. / Qiu1, H. / Wang, Y. / van Veen, A. C. / Wöll, Ch. / Kowalski, P. M. / Meyer, B. / Hättig, C. / Marx, D. (2009) |
J. Chem. Phys. (2009), 130, 144703 |
Thin films of metal-organic frameworks | Zacher, D. / Shekhah, O. / Wöll, Ch. / Fischer, R. (2009) | Chem. Soc. Rev. 38 (2009), 1418-1429 |
Controlling Interpenetration in Metal-Organic Frameworks by Liquid Phase Epitaxy | Shekah, O. / Wang, H. / Paradinas, M. / Ocal, C. / Schüpbach, B. / Terfort, A. / Zacher, D. / Fischer, R.A. / Wöll, Ch. (2009) | Nature Materials 8 (2009), 6, 481-484 |
Chemical Reactions on Metal Oxide Surfaces Investigated by Vibrational Spectroscopy | Wang, Y. / Wöll, Ch. (2009) | Surf. Sci. (2009), 603, 1589-1599 |
Surface of Ti-Ni alloys after their preparation | Saldan, I. / Frenzel, J. / Shekhah, O. / Chelmowski, R. / Birkner, A. / Wöll, Ch. (2009) | J. Alloys and Compounds 470 (2009), 1-2, 568-573 |
The synthesis of Al-MCM-41 from Volclay - a low-cost Al and Si source | Adjdir, M / Ali-Dahmane, T. / Friedrich, F. / Scherer, T. / Weidler, P.G. (2009) |
Applied Clay Science, 46 (2009), 2, 185-189 |
The synthesis of Al-MCM-41 nanomaterials from volclay II: Increasing process efficiency by iterative water treatment | Adjdir, M / Ali-Dahmane, T. / Friedrich, F. / Eckardt, D. / Weidler, P.G. (2009) | Applied Clay Science (2009) |
Magnetic Titanium Pillared Clays (Ti-M-PILCs): Magnetic Studies and Mössbauer Spectroscopy | Bachir, C. / Lan, Y. / Mereacre, V. / Powell, A.K. / Koch, C.B. / Weidler, P.G. (2009) |
Clays Clay Min., 57 (2009), 4, 433-443 |
The transformation of synthetic hectorite in the presence of Cu(II) | Fischer, H. / Weidler, P.G. / Grobety, B. / Luster, J. / Gehring, A.U. (2009) |
Clays Clay Min. 57 (2009), (2), 139-149 |
Contact pressure effects on vibrational bands of kaolinite during infrared spectroscopic measurements in a diamond ATR cell | Friedrich, F. / Weidler, P.G. (2009) | Vibrational Spectroscopy (2009) |
High temperature stability of natural maghemite: a magnetic and spectroscopic study | Gehring, A.U. / Fischer, H. / Louvel, M. / Kunze, K. / Weidler, P.G. (2009) | Geopys. J. Int. 179 (2009), 3, 1361-1371 |
FTIR and confocal Raman microscopy for studying lateral drug diffusion from a semisolid formulation | Gotter, B. / Faubel, W. / Neubert, R.H.H. (2009) | European J. Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics (2008) |
Photothermal imaging for 3 D surface analysis for membrane drug delivery | Gotter, B. / Faubel, W. / Neubert, R.H.H. (2009) |
European J. Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics (2009) |
A new massive deposit of allophane raw material in Ecuador | Kaufhold, S. / Kaufhold, A. / Jahn, R. / Brito, S. / Dohrmann, R. / Hoffmann, R. / Gliemann, H. / Weidler, P.G. / Frechen, M. (2009) | Clays Clay Min., 57 (2009), 1, 72-81 |
Determination of light-absorbing layers at inner capillary surface by cw excitation crossed-beam thermal-lens spectrometry | Nedosekin, D.A. / Faubel, W. / Proskurnin, M.A. / Pyell, U. (2009) | Talanta 78 (2009), 682-690 |
Selective biofilm formation on filter materials of waterworks | Schwartz, T. / Jungfer, Ch. / Heißler, St. / Friedrich, F. / Faubel, W. / Obst, U. (2009) | Chemosphere 77 (2009), 249-257 |
Alteration of non-swelling clay minerals and magadiite by acid activation | Steudel, A. / Batenburg, L.F. / Fischer, H. / Weidler, P.G. / Emmerich, K. (2009) |
Appl. Clay Sci., 44 (1-2), 95-104 |
Alteration of swellable clay minerals by acid activation | Steudel, A. / Batenburg, L.F. / Fischer, H. / Weidler, P.G. / Emmerich, K. (2009) | Appl. Clay Sci., 44 (1-2), 105-115
Cation exchange reactions of vermiculite with Cu-triethylenetetramine as affected by mechanical and chemical pretreatment | Steudel, A. / Weidler, P. / Schuhmann, R. / Emmerich, K. (2009) | Clays and Clay Minerals, 57 (2009), 4, 405-412 |
Microwave irradiation used for all steps of pre-pillaring Al-montmorillonite | Yapar, S. / Torres-Sánchez, R.M. / Emroel, M. / Weidler, P.G. / Emmerich, K. (2009) | Clay Min. 44 (2009), 267-278 |
Title | Author | Source |
Drug delivery and skin penetration measured with photothermal and photoacoustic methods | Faubel, W. / Heißler, S. / Gotter, B. / Neubert, R.H.H. (2009) | 17thSymp Thermophys Properties, Boulder,USA, 21.-26. Juni, 2009, 1-8 |
Titel | Author | Source |
Application of a molecular biology concept for the detection of DNA damage and repair during UV disinfection | Süß, J. / Volz, S. / Obst, U. / Schwartz, T. (2009) | Water Research 43 (2009), 3705-3716 |
Morphological, bacteria and secondary metabolite changes of Aplysina aerophoba upon long-term maintenance under artificial conditions | Gerce, B. / Schwartz, T. / Voigt, M. / Rühle, S. / Kirchen, S. / Putz, A. / Proksch, P. / Obst, U. / Syldatk, C. / Hausmann, R. (2009) |
Microbial Ecology 58 (2009), 4, 865-878 |
Effects of the long-term cultivation of Aplysina aerophoba under artificial conditions on the associated bacteria | Gerce, B. / Schwartz, T. / Voigt, M. / Rühle, S. / Kirchen, S. / Putz, A. / Proksch, P. / Obst, U. / Syldatk, C. / Hausmann, R. (2009) | Microbial Ecology (2009), 58, 865-878 |
In vivo labeling and specific magnetic bead separation of RNA for biofilm characterization and stress induced gene expression analysis in bacteria | Stankiewicz, N. / Gold, A. / Yüksel, Y. / Berensmeier, S. / Schwartz, T. (2009) |
Journal of Microbiological Methods 79 (2009), 3, 344–352 |
Pulsed electric field treatment for bacteria reduction and its impact on hospital wastewater | Gusbeth, C. / Frey, W. / Volkmann, H. / Schwartz T. / Bluhm, H. (2009) | Chemosphere 75 (2009), 228-233 |
Combined use of molecular biology taxonomy, Raman spectrometry and ESEM imaging to study natural biofilms grown on filter materials at waterworks | Schwartz, T. / Jungfer, C. / Friedrich, F. / Heissler, S. / Faubel, W. / Obst, U. (2009) |
Chemosphere (2009), 77, 249-257 |
Critical comparison betwen the pulsed electric field and thermal decontamination methods of hospital wastewater | Gusbeth, C. / Frey, W. / Schwartz, T. / Rieder, A. (2009) |
Acta Physica Polonica A 115 (2009), 1092-1094 |
Title | Author | Source |
Molecular target interactions for bacteria and pathogen separation from eukaryotic matrices | Diler, E. / Schmitz, K. / Schwartz, T. (2009): „Molecular target interactions for bacteria and pathogen separation from eukaryotic matrices“. In: Treffen des Kompetenzbereichs Angewandte Lebenswissenschaften am KIT, Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 28. Juli, 2009 |
Treffen des Kompetenzbereichs Angewandte Lebenswissenschaften am KIT, Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 28. Juli, 2009 |
Decontamination of waste water by pulsed electric field treatment: a critical evaluation | Gusbeth, C. / Frey, W. / Miller, G. / Schwartz, T. (2009): „Decontamination of waste water by pulsed electric field treatment: a critical evaluation“. In: 17th International Pulsed Power Power Conference, Washington D.C., USA, 28 Juni - 2 Juli, 2009, 279 |
17th International Pulsed Power Power Conference, Washington D.C., USA, 28 Juni - 2 Juli, 2009, 279 |